Scymnus coccivora Ayyar

Order: Coleoptera  Family: Coccinellidae
Common name / Category: Predator of mealy bugs

Scymnus coccivora is a general coccinellid predator. The egg, grub, prepupal and pupal stages occupy 4.13 - 4.20, 9.15 - 11.75, 1.25 - 1.40, 5.25 - 5.60 days respectively when the coccinellid is reared on different stages of Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green). Mean longevity of male and female is 60.5 and 68.7 days, respectively. An average of 46.5 eggs is laid by a mated female of S. coccivora. The predatory grub consume 307.7 eggs or 62.2 nymphs or 6.55 adult females of M. hirsutus confinement.

The first generation adults survive for 51-125 days (mean 82 days). The egg, larval, pupal and total life cycle lasts 3, 11-14, 5-6 and 24 days respectively during last week of August to 3rd week of September when the temperature ranges between 22 to 29°C.

Production procedure

Scymnus coccivora is multiplied on the ripe pumpkins infested by Planococcus citri Risso as described under P. citri. The 15-20 day old mealybugs are exposed to adult beetles. The beetles distribute their eggs singly or occasionally more than one egg is laid at a place. The eggs laid hatch in 4-5 days. The larval and pupal development is completed in 10 and 7 days, respectively. The first adult emerges in 20 days time. The beetles emerging daily are caged, allowed to mate and pass their preoviposition period. The beetles are then either field released or used for continuation of culture.